Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Personal Message to Interviewee:

I've decided to do something I feel really passionate about, so I've created a blog where I will be posting interviews with the people of Broome County. Along with posting to my blog, the interviewee’s responses and picture(s) will be made public to the following social media sites: Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram with the possibility of additional social media sites in the future. The interviews can be anonymous if that makes you feel comfortable. My goal is to interview various citizens, local businesses and non for profits/charities.
Through portraits and captions I want to create glimpses into the lives of people in Broome County. With the hope of bringing our community together and sharing in our joys and struggles. I think in our diversity and our similarities we can learn from each other and grow stronger as a community. If  you've been chosen to participate in one of my interviews. In no exact order we will be moving forward with the following steps. First I will answer any of your questions, record the interview, and take some photographs that you'd feel comfortable being in. I will give you my contact information (card), ask you to sign a release form to use your image and responses. After transcribing the interview I will then post the edited (for length and content) or unedited interview responses and photos to my blog and social media site as listed above. Participating in this interview is showing the community that this is something you would like to be a part of. I would like to thank you for being part of my mission and making this community stronger with your personal contribution.
Mission statement:

Through portraits and captions I want to create glimpses into the lives of people in Broome County. With the hope of bringing our community together and sharing in our joys and struggles.
 I see it making us a stronger community.